понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

Environics Communications Named New PR Agency by KCSL, Publisher of World's Leading Internet Search Software: X-Portal(TM) Findware.

STAMFORD, Conn., July 21 /PRNewswire/ -- KCSL (Kaufman Consulting Services Ltd.) today announced that Environics Communications, Inc. (http://eci.environics.net) has been chosen as the public relations agency of record for KCSL. Environics has been hired to coordinate media relations and other activities associated with the launch of X-Portal(TM) Findware, KCSL's flagship Internet search software product.

"Public relations is an integral part of our marketing strategy," says Jeff Evans, marketing manager, KCSL. "It's time to get the message out on our market-leading product, X-Portal Findware, so we chose a firm that has a proven track record achieving media relations results."

"KCSL is on the cutting-edge of online search technology that really makes the Internet deliver," says Bob Pickard, Executive Vice President of Environics. "With an innovative software product and tested leadership, KCSL is poised for communications success. We look forward to providing KCSL with a substantial return on its investment in public relations."

Environics Communications, Inc. (http://www.environics.net) is a full- service management-owned public relations agency that provides breakthrough communications solutions for clients in the advanced technology, financial services, health sciences, consumer products, communications and media sectors. ECI has extensive experience providing counsel for clients on the leading edge of emerging business opportunities.

Founded in 1981, KCSL (Kaufman Consulting Services Ltd.) is known for its multidisciplinary approach to software engineering with an emphasis on data compression and performance engineering. Its flagship product, X-Portal(TM) Findware, is the world's leading Internet search application. The company develops state-of-the-art software tools for electronic proofing, reference and information management. The language and reference software products developed by KCSL have been licensed to many companies including Inso, Lernout & Hauspie, Microsoft, Corel and Lotus.

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